Cloud by Luke Munn

Cloud postcardThe Auricle Sonic Arts Gallery
Showing: 3 – 26 April
8 channel sound, looping (20:00)

Cloud is a sonic tapestry composed of alerts, UI sounds and ringtones drawn from our contemporary messaging software: iOS, Android and Blackberry, Windows Phone and Outlook. Cascading over each other, these chimes and crystalline tones play a key role in supporting the notion of a fluid, modern communication experience that is both immaterial and effortless.

Luke Munn is a conceptual artist using the body and code, objects and performances to activate relationships and responses. His projects have featured in the Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, Fold Gallery London, Causey Contemporary Brooklyn and the Istanbul Contemporary Art Museum, with commissions from Aotearoa Digital Arts, Creative New Zealand and TERMINAL and performances in Paris, Dublin, Chicago, Berlin, Auckland, and New York.
CC-licensed image by Kamil Porembiński