The Auricle Sonic Arts Gallery
Showing: 4th-25th August, 2016
Opening: Thursday 4th August, 6-8pm
Facebook event
Live audio recording cycling into electroacoustic decay
“Only those who already understand can hearken [zuhören]”
Martin Heidegger, Being and Time
On entering this world there is contact as sound objects impact one’s sense organs of hearing, the ear but also the body. On contact there arises the familiar sensation of hearing the sounds in this world. With the constant arising of sensation there arises feeling, belonging and understanding. With the arising of understanding, one has already entered into this world of the familiar sounds themselves, the world of our everyday being, and so the cycle of becoming continues without beginning. And yet having always already entered this world, there was already contact of sound objects with the sense organs of hearing, and with this fading contact there is the constant fading away of the sensation of hearing. With the fading away of sensation there is also the constant fading away of feeling, belonging and understanding. With the constant dissolution of understanding, one has already entered into this everyday world of the familiar sounds themselves, and so the cycle of becoming is constantly dissolving into the same.
Dr Malcolm Riddoch’s sonic arts practice melds experimental electroacoustic techniques and phenomenological method in an investigation of acousmatic listening and the electronic transformation of soundscapes; notions of indeterminacy in composition for installation and performance; the use of whole acoustic spaces in sound art installation and music performance; and electroacoustic feedback as an embodied, intentional, temporalizing process. His medium is non-tonal, timbrally focused and technologically organised sound, where thematic dissolution is his sonic theme.
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